Our apprenticeships

For many years, we have been providing apprenticeships in the field of mechatronics and industrial mechanics. Our training groups are small, which, allows us to cater to you and your needs individually.

Perspectives and personal development are highly valued by us. With good performance, there is a strong chance of being hired after your apprenticeship. Additionally, there is an opportunity to build upon your apprenticeship and pursue further education, such as attending Master's or Technical School.

What does a mechatronics technician do at the AKN?

As a mechatronics technician at the AKN, you will work in a comprehensive field with diverse technical systems. In addition to the fundamental principles of mechanics and electrical engineering, you will learn about the maintenance of rail vehicles and infrastructure facilities, such as signal systems, switches, and level crossings. Here you can expand your knowledge and skills by working on various mechatronic systems in practice.

You will also learn about other exciting and varied technologies, such as power supply, engine technology, PLC controls, compressed air systems, transmission technology, air conditioning systems, and information systems.

What does an industrial mechanic do at the AKN?

Your primary area of responsibility involves the maintenance and repair of our vehicles.

You will engage in troubleshooting and repairing tools and machinery.  Here you will encounter an extensive range of technical systems for vehicles and machines.

This includes internal combustion engines, air conditioning systems, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, transmissions, chassis technology, door drives, and electric motors. The AKN is a modern transportation company with Schleswig-Holstein's most comprehensive and advanced workshop facilities.

Wie sieht die Ausbildung aus?

Your primary area of responsibility involves the maintenance and repair of our rail vehicles, as well as engaging in troubleshooting and repairing tools and machinery.

Here you will encounter an extensive range of technical systems for vehicles and machines.

This includes internal combustion engines, air conditioning systems, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, transmissions, chassis technology, door drives, and electric motors. The AKN is a modern transportation company with Schleswig-Holstein's most comprehensive and advanced workshop facilities.

Was musst du mitbringen?

  • Very good” high school diploma or intermediate secondary school graduation certificate
  • Good grades in physics, mathematics, and chemistry
  • Spatial imagination
  • Manual/technical skills, and an interest in these skills
  • Computer skills (MS Office, internet) 

That's why an apprenticeship at the AKN is worth it!

                                                       Your Benefits

                                                       Your Benefits

Free Travel with the AKN, Discounted Deutschland-Ticket

Social Benefits – through social events and a socially responsible company structure

Work-Life Balance – through flexible hours and the option of remote work (Work from Home)

Christmas Bonus

Up to 29 Days of Vacation

Training & Advanced Education

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